Yesterday, Friday, November 20, in Las Vegas, I won the Miss Fitness America title in the professional category.

It’s my third world title!!! I have won 2 Miss Fitness Universe competitions and 1 Miss Fitness America competition. For those of you just joining my page, I’ll give a brief introduction about myself.

I started doing sports at the age of 3, supported by my mother. I started with ballet, then continued with gymnastics because I felt more attracted to dynamic movements.

I was part of the National Aerobic Gymnastics Team for juniors in Constanta and then for seniors in Bucharest. I managed to accumulate national championship titles and a bronze medal at the 2004 World Aerobics Championships.

In 2005 I retired from gymnastics, following an injury and a personal decision. I wanted to be independent and have a steady income. To make it easier to break up, I blamed it on my “broken shoulder”…

I had the temptation and the possibility to teach abroad, but in the end I decided to stay in the country. In 2006 I moved to Cluj for the Faculty of Sport, and in 2008 I started my collaboration with World Class Romania and implicitly my career as an aerobics instructor.

My love for the stage didn’t go away and as soon as I felt that my shoulder was recovering I started training again.

I chose the American competitions because I like the quality of a competition and especially because it is a natural federation. That is, no prohibited supplements are allowed. Health comes first! I started to prepare myself. At first to save money, because it was quite expensive to go to America, and all the training.

In 2011 I won the first Miss Fitness Universe World title in Miami.

In 2013 the professional division was introduced, where only a few competitors who had won a competition like this in the previous year qualified.

I managed to take the trophy again. And that’s how I became double world fitness champion: Miss Fitness Universe.

Then followed 2nd place awards at all competitions in Miami and Las Vegas.

At one point people were telling me to stop, because there’s politics involved and they won’t give a Roman another title, especially at Fitness America (on the principle that it should be represented by an American). It’s a lot of pressure to be a champion and be afraid to compete, lest you lose your title. I don’t think so! I do all this for me. I told myself that no matter what happened next, no one would take my titles back.

I put my heart into what I do and work hard to get what I want. Every day I start with classes in different worldclass centres where I teach.

Catalin Botezatu’s team accepted the challenge of making my competition costumes (the fitness + swimwear). I thank them for responding so well to my requests. They did a wonderful job and I am grateful to them. Thank you Catalin Botezatu! Thank you Cosmin Muresan!

It’s an accomplishment I’ve accomplished because I didn’t deviate from the program and didn’t give up when I wanted to. I promised myself that I would consume all my days with joy, enthusiasm, kindness and quality.

I love what I do! Yesterday on the lips of the public was : Anca Bucur Romania!

It is the result of all the work, from the beginning until now. Thank you to my family for always being there for me, to my friends, to you for watching me and appreciating me, and of course to my husband for always being there for me.

Faith moves mountains 🙂

Stay inspired!




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